Jun 17ยทedited Jun 17Liked by The Delinquent Academic

I had heard Spotify were already doing that, and running playlists of AI songs. I felt it was very likely Amazon could go the same way with books. But I really hope not. It would be absolutely catastrophic for Art if all people are eventually having shoved in front of them is a constant stream of AI generated content. Because where is the next generation of talent going to come from if they have no easy access to true creative voices, producing innovative and tansformative work to inspire them? ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Thank you for reading. I agree - we have a troubling future ahead, especially for artists. I think that's already happening - I heard there are entire YouTube channels with generated AI content designed specifically for children - which, at least to me, crosses a dimension of technological perversion I didn't think was possible. That's a good question, but I hope it is people like you and me, that show others - younger people of future generations - where the good and human art is through our patronage (and our taste)!

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Jun 18Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Absolutely. We definitely need to do all we can to keep true Art alive and help it thrive! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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Thought-provoking and motivational! You do an excellent job of pinpointing cultural problems we need to work on.

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Thanks you! And it's awesome to hear you're motivated! That's great.

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This was very thought provoking and well reasoned. You touch on numerous patterns which I've noticed for myself, and with your own expertise draw clear links between them which I hadn't quite managed. This is all to say that I'm quickly finding your work to be some of my favorite when it comes to penning think pieces on the status of art, artists, independent creation, and navigating the technological mire we find ourselves in.

I would like to add a couple suggestions to your list of worthy platforms and tools, namely in regards to monetization platforms, for while it has been useful in the past, Patreon has long since become woefully censorious and draconian in its own right. As such I recommend SubscribeStar in place of Patreon, as it's the most direct and most successful alternative, proving itself to be one of the very few that emerged as stable during Patreon's first big purge of dissident voices around 2018. Kofi is also a pretty solid option, especially since it offers one time donations in addition to subscriptions.

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Thanks once more for the kind words. I really appreciate it.

Okay, cool - thanks for adding that - when I have some time I'll give it a quick amend (a caution of using Patreon), with your suggestions of SubscribeStar and Kofi - I actually have never heard of these. And yes, suppression of dissident voices is counter to the artistic endeavor - that's why I like Substack - free expression.

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Jun 17Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Very worthwhile read. And hope you enjoy my book. Consider it an hors d'oeuvre. The feast is my Freelan series (in progress and hopefully to be published some day).

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Thanks Cargill - I'm glad it was worthwhile, and not the ramblings of a mad man.

Haha - I had to search up what that French word meant (we are a very un-French society, down here in New Zealand): A starter dish for what is to come. Can't wait!

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