Jun 27Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Good morning! Sending you a wake-up comment to say how much I enjoyed this. I do like Faulkner, including his prose style, and can't stand Hemingway. Nice write up on the other two items also. Gotta look them up sometime if I ever get a moment to read stuff other than what's here on Substack. I was an avid reader in my younger years but now focus on writing. Best wishes with the PhD pursuit.

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Afternoon! Thank you Cargill I appreciate it. Yeah I went deep in on Hemingway when I was younger, and somehow missed Faulkner. You have any go tos from him?

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Jun 27Liked by The Delinquent Academic

The one that comes to mind is Absalom, Absalom!

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I'm happy you'll be reviewing Substack fiction, I've plans to do that regularly from now on, but am very glad to see another picking up the cross so to speak. And John's article was brilliant if I may say so, I quite liked it also.

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That’s awesome. Yes - I see there’s great potential here on Substack for fiction, but a reviewing culture is necessary I reckon! Interested to see what else you review - and thanks for your suggestions on what to read.

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Anytime and yeah it is, we writers need to review and promote each other’s stuff.

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Hundred per cent.

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