Jul 22Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Thank you for the high praise! I confess, I’ve always struggled to write short stories. It’s not my preferred format. I’m glad my story made an impact!

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I found it wonderful, and it will definitely lead me on to read your longer works. I guess for a 'short-form' platform like Substack, that's where short stories can be really advantageous.

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Sincerest gratitude for taking the time to both read and give a detailed and thoughtful review of The Claws of the N'longu. It's wonderful and exciting to know that not only did it land in terms of the pure entertainment value, but that it also hit a strong intellectual note for you as well. I can safely say that, given the goal was to basically write a Robert E. Howard inspired action story with primitive warrior men and dinosaurs, deeper intellectual meaning wasn't something I was consciously trying to hit on

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No worries - I really enjoyed it! I guess in some ways, without actively trying your subconscious automatically distinguishes between intellectual ability, like other differences. Anyhow, it is great, excited for your other works!

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Interesting assessment of Faurëlar's character, I hadn't considered the possibility that he had darkened somehow by tale's end. It certainly makes sense, when it comes to his character I had simply followed the style and ideas of older tales including and especially French ones and of course the Nordic Sagas & Greek demi-gods' tales. So this was an invaluable insight, and I like it.

Also loved that you reviewed my buddy Man Behind the Screen's story, his N'longu story is a work of art to be quite frank I love that story.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

I thought it was awesome dude. I thought about the ending of that story for a while; going on walks around my house, making me consider the darker side of my personality. It ended up coming out expertly rendered, in my view. Artful.

I guess that's one of the wonders with art; your subconscious takes control, leading your fingers into domains your consciousness mind isn't aware.

Yeah, I loved The Man Behind the Screen's story (you got me onto it, with your original fantasy review!) The vibrancy grabbed ahold of me straight away. So detailed and full - and thrilling! A great story.

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He has a gift that's for sure, his story truly was thrilling and I'm greatly looking forward to his Jarl's Son story.

If you want, I'll arrange for a Table of Contents for all of my stories written like the Faurëlar story so that you can get a full glimpse into the story leading up to him, the whole of the lore of Pangaea, I'll then tag you if you like. I'm also glad that it made you think and that you found it artful, truly that is the highest praise I have received thus far!

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Me too; that's on my next read list for sure.

Lol - I was going to ask you to do that! It was a bit confusing that page (I tried to find a reference document, or an appendix). I think it could help, so thank you.

No worries my man - just what I think!

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You’re not the first to ask, so I’ve published it. Next I’ll work on the Character Glossary for hopefully tomorrow.

Since three people I think have requested a ToC & Glossary I must immediately set to work on it and set aside other projects. Thanks for reminding me mon ami!

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No worries! Happy to be a catalyst for sure!

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My men* lol.

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Jul 23·edited Jul 23Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Thank you for these fantastic recommendations (I will be checking out each and every one). Your analysis of them was wonderful too, a great read and very enthusiastic. (I well-remember my first ventures into something like 'primitive fantasy' -- The Island of Dr Moreau by HG Wells, The Night Land, by William Hope Hodgeson -- absolutely heady stuff!)

I like your point about the Microculture, too. Shall we see more of these review articles in the future, perhaps? :)

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No worries! It is a pleasure of mine to read and review fiction (and non fiction too). I learn from thinking and writing about other peoples work that is superior to my own; it is a humility necessary to personal artistic and intellectual growth, I believe. Also - it’s just fun - so that’s probably all that’s needed haha.

I might have to try out those suggestions! I remember reading War of the Worlds by HG Wells; it stunned me.

Yes you can expect more! Beside from probably doing it anyway, for my reasons above, I think it’s necessary for the health of fiction on Substack.

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Jul 23Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Very true... it reminds me of how Teresa of Avila pointed out that the only way we can see the areas that need work is by placing ourselves next to an example that we consider perfect. Not in a despairing, "I'll never reach that level" perfectionist way, but in a humbling, healthy way.

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Yes, exactly!

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Jul 22Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Wow, this is cool. Might get me back into reading some fiction here! Thank you.

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Glad to do so!

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Jul 22Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Appreciate the shout out!

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No worries: Can't wait to read Victim, and read on your Substack that you're writing another - good luck!

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Jul 22Liked by The Delinquent Academic

Thanks for reading, DA.

Post-length, in-depth analysis of Substack fiction you liked -- I wish we saw more of that on Substack! I think this a great thing and I hope you do more, even if it isn't of my stuff.

I was hoping to someday do something like this for solely literary fiction (I don't think I'm as averse to it as you are).

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Haha, I love what you write so I'll try not do too much! You should, that'd be great. Maybe you can lure me back in with your curations!

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